Improve Your Golf Game in Chattanooga with Chiropractic

Deciding to start chiropractic treatment won’t improve your putting or stop your slice, but it might end up improving your overall game and lowering that score to the sweet spot. It’s not a myth that golf can be extensively hard on your lower back. The instant repetitive twisting motions required to swing the club can put your back at a risk every time you play. Keep reading to learn how to improve your golf game in Chattanooga with chiropractic care.

How Chiropractic Boots Your Golf Game

Chiropractors are specifically trained to treat neuromusculoskeletal systems and that is good news for all the golfers reading, this treatment can offer the ability to reduce the amount of stress and strain place on their bodies. The lower back can undergo a lot of stress with the intensity of the golf swing. Pain can affect other parts of the golfer’s body as well from range of motion in shoulders, elbows and knees to your wrists. Chiropractic treatment can realign our bodies, remove nerve compression and improve blood flow. When you are no longer hindered with pain, you can swing freely and focus more on the game.

It begins with You

Although you can improve your golf game in Chattanooga with the care of chiropractic, taking the necessary health steps too can help improve you even further. Arrive early and try some warm up stretched and light swings before heading to your game. Whether you’re hitting some balls at the range or not, stretching is key to loosening up. This is also important for after your game. You’ll want to perform some light stretching to keep muscles loose and lengthened.

Make sure to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water before, during and after playing golf. If you follow these few quick tips, you’ll be enjoying more pain free rounds every time out. Our chiropractic team at Total Health Chiropractic is here to help. Please feel free to contact us today.

Taking Care of Yourself……At Home

One question that I am asked on a daily basis is this, “What can I be doing at home to improve my health?” I always enjoy this question because it shows me that patients are truly concerned and wanting to be active about their health. When you are receiving care from a Chiropractor, you will probably see them up to 3 times per week for about 20 minutes each visit. There is so much time between visits that it is extremely important to be active about your health while at home. I want to discuss a number of options that will help you get healthier……..faster.


  • Chiropractic adjustments help to introduce motion into each spinal joint, exercise will keep those joints from getting stiff.
  • Daily exercise has numerous benefits:
    • Decrease anxiety, depression & stress
    • Help with weigh management
    • Increase energy levels
    • Reduce risk of chronic disease
    • Improve brain function and sleep quality


  • During chiropractic care, the body is changing how muscles and ligaments are used. Daily stretching also has many benefits:
    • You will be less prone to injury
    • Move easier throughout the day with less pain
    • Lower your blood sugar
    • Relieve tension both physically and mentally

Eating/Drinking Healthy

  • Water, water, water
  • Find a hydration calculator and drink the necessary amount of water daily

  • Avoid all carbonated drinks, even the “diet” ones
  • Limit tea & coffee because they tend to dehydrate the body
  • There are many diet/eating plans out there. Pick one and stick with it.
  • Try to make sure to incorporate some anti-inflammatory foods. These include green vegetables, fruit, tuna/salmon, bone broth, walnuts, flaxseeds
  • Limit artificial sweeteners and sugars as much as possible.
  • Try to not eat past 7:00 because anything you eat will most likely be stored as fat while you sleep.

Medical Equipment

  • There are many different medical devices that can be used to increase the effectiveness of each chiropractic adjustment and improve health. These are some examples:
    • Hot/Cold packs – decrease muscle tension & inflammation
    • Dynadisc – improve disc health in lower back, loosen tense muscles
    • Lumbar support – support your lower back due to a recent injury or to prevent future injuries
    • Therapeutic pillow – support your neck correctly while sleeping
    • TENS unit – relax muscles, decrease muscular pain

Making these simple daily changes will make a major impact on your overall health throughout your life. It’s not the big things, it’s all the little changes we make in our daily habits that make the most difference. So……..exercise, stretch, eat/drink healthy, and invest in some at-home equipment to keep your body and mind healthy and strong for years to come.